Flockingducks (http://fducks.com) is a social network which my partner, Yen Pin Hsiao, and I had created. The service keeps track of your contacts (so you don’t have to). With the ever changing nature of our contact list be it phone numbers, emails, and myriad of other networks, the aim of the service is to consolidate all of the bits of information and synchronize your gadgets in the end.
This project was a labour of love. I recall the days when we sat in William’s coffee shop just on the outskirts of campus, penning out our ideas right after we finished our final semester of university. It was a tremendous effort between the both of us in planning and building the website with everything crafted from scratch and which ultimately took about a year (on a part-time basis) from concept to launch. Till this day, the website is still a testament of the slick craftsmanship and of our creativity.
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Posted By: ianhung
- Project URL: <a class=hurl href=http://fducks.com>http://fducks.com</a>
Posted in: Web Development

True Vision Ghana (http://truevisionghana.org) was one of those web projects that engaged me at a personal level. I built the website and graphics. The underlying objective of the organization is something that I believe in and it is with great hope that the organization achieves its goals — and what better way to contribute to its endeavour than by helping with its web exposure. I tried to capture the essence of Ghana through the use of warm tones and attempted a more down to earth appearance through use of photographs throughout the site — not just any photographs but those that are not processed in any way or with any kind of commercial undertones — to simply tell the situation as it is. Hopefully, this will connect with its viewers and that they feel that their donations have made a real difference.
Posted By: ianhung
- Project URL: <a class=hurl href=http://truevisionghana.org>http://truevisionghana.org</a>
Posted in: Web Development

Formula SAE (http://ucalgary.ca/fsae) is an international competition that challenges students to design and manufacture a single-seat, open-wheel style race car (akin to a miniature formula one race car) which attracts over 250 universities, making it the largest and one of the most prestigious student design competitions in the world.
The goal of this project was to enhance the existing web site by establishing an online community and focusing viewer attention to sponsorship activity and procedure. Secondary objectives were to make the site low maintenance, easy to update, and aesthetically timeless keeping in mind of the ever changing nature of the team management and to ensure general consistency from term to term. As an added bonus, we were awarded a prominent placement of our company logo upon the carbon fiber body of the race car.
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March 19, 2009 – 11:23 pm
Posted By: ianhung
- Project URL: <a class=hurl href=http://ucalgary.ca/fsae>http://ucalgary.ca/fsae</a><br>(Now student maintained)
Posted in: Web Development
Time lapsed snapshots of this site in the making. Much of development was spent on planning and on deciding upon a set of proportions for the various columns of the page. I wanted a site that could be viewed easily on most display resolutions and common browser sizes. At last, I found a happy medium, although erring towards the conservative, in displaying the content.
After a lot of work and tweaking, I managed to finish writing my slideshow function. An example of the slideshow function (along with pictures from my trip to Santa Cruz, California) is shown below:
The slideshow function uses a combination of existing lightbox and cyclic apis plus my own custom javascript enhancements. I wanted a slideshow feature that would integrate well with the aesthetics of the page and be unobtrusive. None of the existing slideshows that I could find really appealed to me and were either too gaudy and cumbersome or visually too unique for my taste.. So I put together something of my own. Enjoy!
Thought I would share some of this site’s origins as I personally find it fascinating to glimpse into the creative process of how things are built. Much of the work was spent on planning. I have always wanted to create some sort of repository to showcase my thoughts, projects, and artistic works but never quite wrapped my mind around how all of these things would come together. At the same time, I wanted a site that would continually feel fresh with minimal effort. I have also wondered whether this site would cater to my professional side of life or be used to connect with friends. Either audience would dictate a very different presentation.
What you see directly in front of you has been a cumulation of past computing experience (and a labour of love!). However, arriving at what turned into a monolith beast of a personal project hasn’t been without trial and error. The first iteration of ianhung.com was aptly named The Perpetual Machine as it was designed to maintain itself through scouring of feeds. It provided a one-stop destination where friends could easily find me as I was moving around frequently at that time and required zero maintenance. It also aggregated all of my social utilities but in a flaky sort of way. At last, the web has changed and with the myriad of free web services available that offer the same functionality without any programming knowledge, the former site had lost its relevance. It also did not solve the problem with showcasing my various projects.
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The ‘Making Of’ this Site